duminică, 20 mai 2012

Live Session 20 05 2012

Florence and The Machines

Florence and The Machines - Drumming Song (Live)

Florence and The Machines - You've Got The Love (Live)

Florence and The Machines - Cosmic Love (Live)


Metallica -Seek And Destroy (Live 1983)

Metallica - Enter Sandman (Live Moscova 1991, prima trupa metal din SUA pe spatiul Ex-sovietic.. nebunie!!)

Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (Live 1999)

Metallica - Master of the Puppets (Live 2009)

Celelalte Cuvinte
Celelalte Cuvinte - Iarba Prin Par (Live)

Celelalte Cuvinte - Un Sfarsit e un Inceput (Live)

Celelalte Cuvinte - Fantana Suspinelor (Live)



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